Saturday, April 21, 2007

Raspberry Swirl

I finished one sock of my SOTM kit called Raspberry Swirl. I like the yarn even though it is a bit heavier than would be comfortable in normal shoes. I think it will work fine in my work shoes. The yarn is Lily Chin's Chelsea and is a combination of 30% merino wool, 35% cotton and 35% acrylic. It doesn't have lot of stretch so I'm hoping that they don't stretch out and get baggy. The pattern is easy to follow but I'm finding it hard on my hands. I'm not sure if it's all the K2tog, knit into the back of the K2tog's or if it's the heavier yarn or maybe a combination of both. Anyway, I work on them a bit each night and then switch back to my scrap socks.

It's kitten season again. I found 3 in the barn that are really cute but the mother is pure evil so if I want to look at them I have to sneak in when she isn't around!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Circles of Hope

I started making these little granny's daughters with my leftover yarn years ago. They never seemed to amount to much and I sort of forgot about them. I saw a woman on my local Freecycle list offering 600 of them and decided I would put them together. The directions can be found at Granny's Daughters Assembly which also has some other ideas for things to make with them. I think I'll donate this to my local nursing home as a lapghan.

I made this afghan for my co-worker Jeff's wedding. It's a Mile A Minute pattern and worked up quite quickly. I've done this afghan twice lately so it's time to retire that pattern for awhile!