Monday, September 26, 2005

Finishing WIP's

I finally picked up my hook again and finished a baby afghan that I started last year. On Thursday my supervisor mentioned that he might be off for a couple of weeks because his wife is expecting a baby any day. Nothing like not mentioning it until the last minute! I had Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today off so I quickly finished the afghan up and ran it into work today hoping that his car would be there. Sure enough it was and I was able to slip into his office and leave it for him.

This pattern comes from Liesure Arts book "mile-a-minute Afghans". It's supposed to be a fullsize afghan but I've adapted it to be shorter for a baby. It also looks nice with brighter colors & a black border to use up scraps.

I started these socks while on vacation last month. I finally finished up the first one and I really like it. The yarn is Kroy in a color called Fancy Free and the pattern is free from the 'net called Blueberry Waffle and the pattern is easy to follow.

This shows the pattern close up. It gives a nice tight fit so the socks stay up.

I was really busy and finished up the other Hot Tamale Ugly Sock and took them to the Post Office this morning so they are on their way to their new home in Newfoundland now. Now I only have about 15 more things to finish up and I'll be ready for some new projects!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hot Tamale

I got a better picture of the detail of my Mile A Minute afghan this morning. It would show a lot better on a lighter color but since this is a stash reduction project I have to go with what I have!

I finished one of the Hot Tamale socks and I still think they're ugly. My daughter has moved to Newfoundland and thinks she's freezing to death so I'll send them off to her when they're done. Ugly socks are better than no socks!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Mile A Minute

I haven't done much knitting or crocheting in the last little while. Work has been extremely busy and I've been doing 7 am to 6 pm days and even worked my day off this week. By the time I get home doing anything other than having something to eat, a shower and going to bed just seems like too much effort.

I was on a major clean-up campaign of my stash room aka the spare bedroom. The stash had really taken over a major part of the room so I decided that MAM afghans would be the answer. I started this one a couple weeks ago but only have 5 of the eight strips done so far. The picture is crappy and doesn't show the design and it isn't blocked yet.....and right now I don't even care that much! I lifted something the other day that I shouldn't have and my arm is a bit sore so I decided maybe giving it a rest from crochet might be the answer. Knitting doesn't seem to bother it so I pulled out a pair of socks that I started while on vacation last night.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Back from vacation

We're back from our vacation and not much sock knitting took place! The weather was great, only a sprinkle of rain overnight on Tuesday from the remnants of Hurricane Katrina. We had our grandaughter, Nyla, with us and she certainly can occupy a lot of time. She loved the beach, digging in the sand and swimming. I thought she might be scared but wasn't at all. I thought the water was freezing but she would just march right in.

We stayed at Pinery Provincial Park near Grand Bend, Ontario. There's nine miles of beautiful sandy beach in the park so we had lots of places to choose from. The water is very shallow with lots of sandbars.

Our campsite was great. Lots of sand in the trailer but nothing a good cleaning with the shop vac didn't fix this morning.

We had to walk across the dunes on a boardwalk to get to the beach. I'm not good on height or distance but these are BIG sand dunes.

I did get most of one sock done in the Blueberry Waffle pattern using Kroy Socks in a color called Fancy Free. I'll post a picture of it when I get done.