Saturday, May 10, 2008

New afghan

I started this afghan a long time ago and it got forgotten in a tote. For some reason I kept messing up the count on it and having to frog so I got frustrated and shoved it away. I've been on a clean up campaign of either finishing or frogging all the partially finished projects so I decided to take another stab at this one. It's a time consuming pattern with the color changes around the edges but looks quite nice now that the strips are almost done. It's called Spiral Skyway from the ASN booklet Definitely Different Afghans #1288.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Step 21

My shoulder is starting to feel a bit better so I started on another pair of Step socks in colorway #21. I've gotten one done so far. It's slow because I can only knit for 15 or 20 minutes then I have to take a rest but the good news is my physiotherapist says it's good exercise!

Monday, January 14, 2008

No knitting happening

I've been having pain in my right shoulder for a few months now and have gotten a diagnosis of a torn ligament so knitting has been put on hold for awhile. I can do it in short spurts but find the crocheting is less annoying. I can still only do that for about 15 minutes at a time! So all that lovely sock yarn is sitting in it's tote waiting for a better day.