Saturday, March 11, 2006

I hit the jackpot on Freecycle this week! Someone posted that they had received a box of knitting machine yarns on cones and that they were no good to them. I picked them up and most of them are some kind of wool blend and will be perfect for socks. I have enough to make socks for at least half the world but hey it was free!

Another great find. Last week at Dollarama I found eyelash yarn for 50¢ a ball but being a moron I decided I would need about 4 balls to make a decent scarf. There were very few colors that had more than 2 balls so I bought 4 gold and came home. Later I decided to knit the scarf. I found out that a ball and a half will do it so I hurried back to get more. It was all gone! Now I'm kicking myself for being so stupid. There were some really great colors there too. I could have had half my Christmas presents done already.

I ordered 2 balls of Sockotta yarn from came that came this week. I just love the color of this one. These are going to be ankle socks for my friend Pam's birthday. I'm not sure I like the tops yet but I really like the colors.

1 comment:

StarKnits said...

that is awesome you totally made out!