Monday, March 27, 2006

Toddler Socks

I wanted to make a pair of socks for my 2 year old granddaughter but had trouble finding a pattern in her size that used sock yarn. I finally quit looking and adapted my old standby plain sock pattern to something her size. I haven't finished the second sock yet but I think the pair are only going to take about 25 grams of yarn. The best part is they take next to no time to make! The yarn is Bernat Hot Sox that I had left over from previous projects. Now I have a new way to use up all those little balls of yarn.

Toddler Socks

Fits Size 7 or 8 shoe

With Size 1 needles, cast on 44 sts. Arrange on 3 needles ( 12.20.12 ) and work 1 1/2" of K2, P2 ribbing. Continue in straight stitch until work measures 3".

To arrange heel stitches: Slip 2 sts off beginning of 3rd needle onto end of 2nd needle ( 12.22.10). Divide the 22 sts on 2nd needle onto 2 needles and leave for the instep. Work the 12 sts of 1st needle onto the end of the 3rd needle. 22 sts for the heel.
Next row: K1, P9, P2tog, P9, K1. 21 sts on the needle.

To make heel:
1st row: *K1, Sl1*, Repeat to the last st, K1.
2nd row: K1, Purl to last st, K1.

Repeat these 2 rows for 1 1/2" ending with 1st row.

To shape heel:
1st row: P10, P2tog, P1, turn.
2nd row: K3, Sl1, K1, psso, K1, turn.
3rd row: P4, P2tog, P1, turn.
4th row: K5, Sl1, K1, psso, K1, turn.
5th row: P6, P2tog, P1, turn.
6th row: K7, Sl1, K1, psso, K1, turn.
7th row: P8, P2tog, P1, turn.
8th row: K9, Sl1, K1, psso, K1, turn.
9th row: P10, P2tog, P1, turn.

To make instep:
Put the 22 sts for the instep onto one needle. 1st needle: Using the needle with the 11 heel sts pick up and knit 10 sts along side of heel. 2nd needle: Knit across. 3rd needle: Pick up and knit 10 sts along other side of heel, then knit 6 sts from 1st needle. Stitches are now divided 16.22.15

Round 1: Knit across all needles.
Round 2: 1st needle: Knit to last 3 sts. K2tog, K1. 2nd needle: Knit across. 3rd needle: K1, Sl1, K1, psso, knit to the end.

Repeat these 2 rounds until 43 sts in the round.

Continue knitting even until work measures 3" from where sts were picked up for instep. Knit one round decreasing 1 st on needle 2.

To shape toe:
1st rnd: 1st needle: Knit to last 3 sts. K2tog, K1. Needle 2: K1, Sl1, K1, psso, Knit to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. Needle 3: K1, Sl1 , K1, psso, knit to end.
2nd rnd: Knit.

Repeat these 2 rnds to 14 sts. Knit the sts from the 1st needle onto the end of the 3rd needle. Kitchener stitch toe closed.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Day of Mourning

I'm sad to announce that when I went to feed my fish this morning I found Freaky Frog floating lifeless on the top of the aquarium. He seems to have passed away peacefully in his sleep. I guess I'm just not meant to have frogs.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sockotta and Kool-Aid dyeing

I received my SOTM kid from and this months yarn was dye it yourself with Kool-Aid. It was fun to do and looks great. I had some other yarns here that I decided to give a try too. I think they turned out pretty well although the white yarn gives the most vibrant colors. One thing I do know is that I will never drink Kool-Aid again. Anything that will dye my socks permanent colors is not going in my stomach!

I finished these Sockotta short socks for my friend Pam's birthday. I like the feel of them better than 100% cotton yarns and I think I have enough yarn left to make another pair for myself so it was really an economical buy.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I hit the jackpot on Freecycle this week! Someone posted that they had received a box of knitting machine yarns on cones and that they were no good to them. I picked them up and most of them are some kind of wool blend and will be perfect for socks. I have enough to make socks for at least half the world but hey it was free!

Another great find. Last week at Dollarama I found eyelash yarn for 50¢ a ball but being a moron I decided I would need about 4 balls to make a decent scarf. There were very few colors that had more than 2 balls so I bought 4 gold and came home. Later I decided to knit the scarf. I found out that a ball and a half will do it so I hurried back to get more. It was all gone! Now I'm kicking myself for being so stupid. There were some really great colors there too. I could have had half my Christmas presents done already.

I ordered 2 balls of Sockotta yarn from came that came this week. I just love the color of this one. These are going to be ankle socks for my friend Pam's birthday. I'm not sure I like the tops yet but I really like the colors.