Saturday, August 19, 2006

Chain of hearts

I kind of got back into crocheting when I finished my pineapple tablecloth so I decided to finish this Chain of Hearts tablecloth I started about 6 years ago as a tester for the pattern. The original idea was to use up all the odds and ends of balls of thread I had hanging around but now I'm not so sure I like the look. I started it for my old kitchen table that was considerably smaller than the one I have now but I'm about 1/2 way done so I guess I'll keep going! There's still about 4 banana boxes full of thread upstairs that needs something done with it. My obsession before sock yarn was thread!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Pineapple tablecloth finished!

After 8 years I finally finished this crocheted tablecloth! The pattern came from Craftown for free. I have no idea how much thread it took but I know I used at least 2 of the giant balls from Walmart. It really needs to be blocked properly but it's just been too hot here to even think about getting a steam iron out.