Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sock monkey

I finished this sock at work this week. It's made with Scheepjes Invicta that I made an attempt at dyeing with spots of red to make it sort of "sock monkey" looking. I didn't really get the effect I was going for but they're alright.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Tablecloth revisited

It's been too hot here to hold wool yarn in my hands so I've switched back to working on my neverending tablecloth. It's going to be 76" across when/if I finish it and it's taking over an hour to go around it once now. I'd really like to finally finish it this summer so I've challenged myself to do a round a day on it.

A co-worker gave me a 55 gallon hexagonal aquarium that I set up for goldfish. This isn't my fish but it's the type I've put in it. They're called Oranda's and are almost round with a lumpy thing on their heads. They're really graceful swimmers and are supposed to live up to 10 years. We'll see how I manage with that!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

New Footies

I decided I needed to make use of some of the yarn I've been collecting. I have a bunch of yarn on cones that someone gave me but I have no idea what the fiber content is on any of them except that most are natural fibers of some sort. I also have a lot of Bernat Hot Sox that I bought because it was cheap. That was before I discovered that wearing acrylic socks is like putting plastic bags on your feet!

This footie is a combination of some red Bernat Hot Sox and some blue yarn from a cone that has flecks of other colors in it. I added some pink woolly nylon to the heels and toes because I'm afraid it will wear through because it has no nylon content. I already washed it to see if it would shrink and I can't see that it changed at all. Next I'm on the the wear and comfort test. Hopefully it works out because I have a lot of this stuff!