Tuesday, December 27, 2005


My daughter convinced me I wanted to go Boxing Day shopping yesterday. That little voice inside me said, NO, don't do it, but I went anyway. What a zoo! I dragged along behind her until I couldn't stand being pushed and shoved anymore. I have no idea why anyone would willingly subject themselves to this madness. There were no great bargains that I saw, just a sea a crazy people all looking for something cheap.

Another silly thing I've probably done is get a couple of African Dwarf Frogs. Same daughter convinced me I needed 2 of them on Christmas Eve. I have an aquarium with a few guppies and platies in it and so I thought it would be OK. Wrong! We put the 2 new frogs in and all was fine until Christmas Day when 1 of them was missing. I don't think it could have possibly gotten out but it sure isn't anywhere in the aquarium so unless someone ate him whole he must have escaped. Fortunately, they are only the size of a penny and can't live out of water so he's probably stuck in a dust buny somewhere.

So we left the mall and headed for my favorite fish place which was not crowded at all and bought another frog which we found out would be much better off in it's own tank. So now I have my old Betta tank set up with 2 tiny frogs in it. I have to admit that they are cute and interesting to watch. I just hope these ones stay put!

My next stop was my favorite yarn store which may not be my favorite anymore. Since I was there last they've rearranged the whole place and seem to have almost eliminated sock yarns. They had a lot of Bernat Sox which I did not want because it is acrylic, a few colors of Kroy sock but they were boring colors and a new yarn called Moda Dea Sassy Stripes. They colors of this yarn were super but Hope wasn't interested in yarn shopping and I didn't spend enough time checking it out. I bought 4 balls of it, enough I figured for 2 pairs of socks for $5.09 per ball. Last night, I got it out to check it out and decide what to make with it. It's acrylic! Now I feel really ripped off paying that much for junky acrylic yarn and I really don't know if I want to make anything with it. Maybe it can become cuffs for other yarns.

I did finish the second boring grey sock so it can go off to Sudbury on Thursday to it's new owner. Sure hope he likes them!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Gifts

I've been chugging along on my Christmas knitting and have almost made the deadline. Everything is finished except this pair of neverending, boring grey socks for my daughters boyfriend and I have until December 29th for those so there is still hope.

I made these mittens and socks for my friend and co-worker Pam. She loved the last socks I made her but asked for something brighter next time. I think I managed to fill her request with these ones! She saw me making mitts to donate to the local foodbank and asked if I made them in big sizes. I assured her that I didn't and then made these for her for Christmas. The yarn was something I found in my stash that I bought at the Spinrite outlet store a few years ago. I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy more now. It's called Aspen and has 15% merino wool content and it is sooooo soft. I can just see a really cosy sweater made with it.