Monday, January 30, 2006

Another lapghan done

I finished another one of my stash buster lapghans for the nursing homes. I sure hope that they like green. I keep finding more of it everytime I open another cupboard or tote. It has to be multiplying in the dark because I don't remember ever getting this much of it!

I started a pair of sock with the Moda Dea that I "accidently" bought at Christmas time. It looks nice and is knitting up well but I'm still not happy about the price I paid for acrylic yarn.

Winter has finally settled in to Southern Ontario. Last week it felt like spring was here and now it's snowing everyday. So much for groundhog predictions!

New sock kit

I started my new sock kit from this week. The yarn is called Bollicine Dolly from Cascade and the pattern is Pink Ladder Socks by Nancy Walsh. It's all done with slip stitches so the pattern is very easy and the yarn is lovely to work with. I still have a sock on the needles that I really need to finish up but I couldn't resist just starting this one to see how it would look!

I finished the glowy green lapghan and started this one. The yarn is named Victorian Christmas Ombre but it doesn't look very Christmasy to me! It's interesting how the color pools as I go giving it almost a tartan look.

My freaky frog is still alive. This is the original one that I bought first and he seems to be a survivor. It's grown quite a bit and has decided that attacking the fish is no longer the fun he thought it was. Everyone in the tank seems to have settled in to live together peacefully.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Paintbox socks

My daughter had a better idea of what to do with the glowy green yarn. My dog blanket turned into a laprobe that I'll give to the local nursing home. A friend of hers volunteers there and said some of the residents are close to blind and like bright colors because they can see them so these blankets should really fit the bill. I thought I had used up about 1/2 of the green yarn and then I found another bag of it in my craft cupboard. I'm starting to think it's some kind of alien lifeform that's reproducing when I'm not looking. I'm sure I didn't start out with that much of it!

I've been working on these socks at work. The yarn is Kroy Sock in Paintbox. It's an interesting color combination and reminds me of autumn more than a paintbox. I brought them home this weekend to finish because I'm getting bored with the color. Seems I've been knitting the same socks for months which actually I have since I only get a few minutes at lunch to work on them.

My freaky frog is still alive and has discovered that he can hide in the plants and jump out on the unsuspecting fish. I'm not sure that the fish are enjoying the game as much as he is.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

First sock of 2006

I finished my first socks of 2006 this week. They're just a plain sock done with some yarn I bought on a cone at Value Village for a dollar a couple years ago. It says Cashmoulon on the inside of it in handwriting and no one seems to know what that is but I made a pair with it before that I gave away and it seemed to be fine. It's a bit heavy for ordinary socks but should be fine as a boot sock or to just wear around the house. The photo isn't great but there's not much to see anyway.
PS: Thanks to Emily I now know the name of the yarn is Cashmilon and it is an acrylic.

Over the holidays I realized that my stash had become way overgrown. I've saved every bit of yarn that's been left over from progects plus I used to be a Girl Guide leader and people would always give me craft things for the girls. I was the proud recipient of many balls of this lovely "green" yarn. I can't think of anything I'd want made with it so my daughter suggested making blankets for the dogs at the shelter. I've gotten started on that now and hopefully dogs really are colorblind!

My freaky frog is still going. The two tankmates I bought for him weren't so lucky. I think I'm just not meant to have frogs. This one is the original frog and he is wired. My granddaughter loves to watch him zipping around the tank so hopefully he'll last awhile.