Tuesday, July 04, 2006

New Footies

I decided I needed to make use of some of the yarn I've been collecting. I have a bunch of yarn on cones that someone gave me but I have no idea what the fiber content is on any of them except that most are natural fibers of some sort. I also have a lot of Bernat Hot Sox that I bought because it was cheap. That was before I discovered that wearing acrylic socks is like putting plastic bags on your feet!

This footie is a combination of some red Bernat Hot Sox and some blue yarn from a cone that has flecks of other colors in it. I added some pink woolly nylon to the heels and toes because I'm afraid it will wear through because it has no nylon content. I already washed it to see if it would shrink and I can't see that it changed at all. Next I'm on the the wear and comfort test. Hopefully it works out because I have a lot of this stuff!

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