Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hot Tamale

I got a better picture of the detail of my Mile A Minute afghan this morning. It would show a lot better on a lighter color but since this is a stash reduction project I have to go with what I have!

I finished one of the Hot Tamale socks and I still think they're ugly. My daughter has moved to Newfoundland and thinks she's freezing to death so I'll send them off to her when they're done. Ugly socks are better than no socks!


Anonymous said...

there's no such thing as 'ugly socks' - not to the creator that is - when you consider the time it took to make them and all....

Ginger said...

I used this same Hot Tamale yarn for a pair of socks for my dd, she loves them and I think they are ugly, ;-). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.