Saturday, January 14, 2006

First sock of 2006

I finished my first socks of 2006 this week. They're just a plain sock done with some yarn I bought on a cone at Value Village for a dollar a couple years ago. It says Cashmoulon on the inside of it in handwriting and no one seems to know what that is but I made a pair with it before that I gave away and it seemed to be fine. It's a bit heavy for ordinary socks but should be fine as a boot sock or to just wear around the house. The photo isn't great but there's not much to see anyway.
PS: Thanks to Emily I now know the name of the yarn is Cashmilon and it is an acrylic.

Over the holidays I realized that my stash had become way overgrown. I've saved every bit of yarn that's been left over from progects plus I used to be a Girl Guide leader and people would always give me craft things for the girls. I was the proud recipient of many balls of this lovely "green" yarn. I can't think of anything I'd want made with it so my daughter suggested making blankets for the dogs at the shelter. I've gotten started on that now and hopefully dogs really are colorblind!

My freaky frog is still going. The two tankmates I bought for him weren't so lucky. I think I'm just not meant to have frogs. This one is the original frog and he is wired. My granddaughter loves to watch him zipping around the tank so hopefully he'll last awhile.


Anonymous said...

Would it be Cashmilon?

Maybe that bright green will catch attention and boost the adoption rates :D I never had luck with frogs ^.^

Deb said...

Thanks Emily for the name! Now I know exactly what it is and that it is an acrylic.