Monday, January 01, 2007

On the needles

All the gifts that I made for Xmas were hits with their new owners. My twin nieces loved their sweaters and everyone's socks fit!

I'm now making my 3rd pair of socks with Kroy Sock yarn in Country Jacquard. I made a pair for my daughter-in-law for Xmas and a co-worker loved the color and asked if I'd make her a pair. The "I don't have anymore of that yarn" trick didn't work because she surprised me by showing up at work with 2 balls of it that she got at a store in another town. I like Kroy yarns but I'm starting to really get sick of this colorway!

My new work project is this pair of socks that I'm making with some yarn that I Kool-Aid dyed last spring. The yarn is/was white Sisu that I got from theknitter and dyed with 3 colors of Kool-Aid. They're a refreshing change from the Country Jacquard. I'm using a stitch pattern called Little Ladders that is:
Rnd 1: K4, P2.
Rnd 2: Knit.
It gives the socks a little more stretch and is a bit more interesting than plain stockinette but doesn't get overwhelmed by the colors in the yarn.

The third pair on the needles are the socks from my last post. I got bogged down after the first one and have abandoned it in the ribbing stage. The yarn is very fine and it takes a lot of knitting to look like there is any progress at all. Maybe I'll get into the right mood again soon to work on it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the color of the socks you dyed yourself. They look great.
The pattern looks great too.